New Press Release!!!


TIMES Press Release— Beth Sturdivant isn’t in the business of telling people what to do. She isn’t in any business anymore. But she doesn’t mind telling people why.


Sturdivant, 44, a former bail bondsman and operator of multiple Subway franchises, now receives disability as she recovers from an unusual ailment. It’s something set off by a laptop, a cell phone – the wrong type of light. Something she’d like to see others avoid, one small step at a time.


“If you try to promote fear, you’re going to get fear back,” Sturdivant said. “All I’m trying to do is bring it to them to where they realize that’s what’s going on.”………


Press Release Attorney Nick Callas said.


The disorder is a disruption of the body’s natural electric functions. Symptoms are myriad. So too are triggers. Nick Callas, a Columbia attorney who won Sturdivant her disability status, recalls the client who couldn’t consult with him if lights or his computer stayed on during the meeting.


“She even said my fish tank was bothering her,” Callas said.


Though he’s won two similar cases since, Callas said he hadn’t seen anything like Sturdivant’s condition. Neither did it seem the judge had. Callas had to educate himself on what comes on like an allergy or reaction, rather than disease.


“Most lawyers don’t have a case like this in their careers, and if they do, they only have one,” he said.


Press Release Duke Energy said…


“The consensus among health professionals and scientists studying the issue is that no firm conclusions can be drawn,” it reads.   Duke contributes to the Electric Power Research Institute, which funds about 40 percent of research worldwide on electromagnetic fields, according to the company. Extensive studies over more than four decades were done on the impact of magnetic field impact from power lines.


Beth answers to press release….

Duke Energy stated,  “Duke contributes to the Electric Power Research Institute, which funds about 40 percent of research worldwide on electromagnetic fields, according to the company. Extensive studies over more than four decades were done on the impact of magnetic field impact from power lines.”

The answer is… The reports and research Duke Energy does is always bias to have no cause and effect. I am a living proof how power lines can disrupt the bio affect of the human body. I am medically diagnosed and have lived through this proof. My purpose is to bring remedies to help others suffering with this condition.


Duke Energy  stated,  “they were not sure if any one has lived in this house after we vacated.”

The answer is…  NO ONE has lived in this house since April 30, 2011 when my family vacated. Duke Energy after taking possession  removed the in ground pool, basketball court, play house etc. Claimed the right a way to the back of the house a few feet from the back deck. Duke Energy now considers this safe and back on the market . I am still recovering and swollen and praying,  I will one day be back to the way God designed me to be!! I encourage you to make your own conclusions with all of the facts and after you have read Backyard Secret Exposed. Read the reviews on Amazon also….



“Knowledge is Power and so is Sharing!”
Beth Sturdivant
Prov 3: 5-6







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